Mars Heavy

Beginning now until end of April, an interplay between fire and earth elements tests us on many levels. Mercury begins its retrograde in Aries, ruled by Mars, on the 23rd until Apr 16 and Uranus covers the last couple of degrees of Aries before it enters Taurus in May. We also have the Sun in Aries, the north node continuing in Leo (fire), Jupiter continuing in Scorpio (traditional ruler Mars) and Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn (earth). Aries, an aggressive, instinct-driven energy, is closely connected to the physical body. Our thinking (Mercury) is aligning with Aries energy and the retrograde transit will encourage us to deeply reflect on where we are out of alignment with our instinctual natures. Observing where one’s intuition and gut instincts are repressed during the retrograde will indicate where peace and harmony need to be integrated.

Take advantage of this retrograde period to move in a healing direction particularly as a prevention measure because April becomes increasingly intense (and possibly ugly) with Mars drilling in Capricorn now until May 17th. Aries and Capricorn are energies that don’t easily merge or work well together and without consistent intentional effort towards positive productivity, they get scattered and frustrated. Mars’ hot-tempered nature doesn’t exactly provide warning as to what it wants but its’ severing energy wants to in fact break apart the existing structures (Capricorn) and systems in our lives. Mars throws tantrums because it wants to be human again and anything that blocks the expression of that humanness must be faced.

Energy expresses itself positively or negatively. Negative manifestations of Mars include violence, rage or illness such as headaches. Capricorn rules bones so aggravations of arthritis, bone diseases and inflammation are likely especially if you are already prone. April 1-3 brings a culmination point with a Mars and Saturn conjunction and Venus’ transit through Taurus in April emphasizes survival but brings a more supportive influence.

Mars whirls in another layer of energy April 17th, with a New Moon in Aries and Chiron moving into Aries for the next eight years. If you haven’t had enough of Mars yet, stay tuned.

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