Transit update: Nodes in Cancer Capricorn


  • Saturn in Capricorn
  • Jupiter in Sagittarius
  • Uranus in Taurus
  • Neptune in Pisces
  • Pluto in Capricorn

            Outer planet Uranus reenters Taurus in March for good for the next seven years while Chiron reenters Aries in February for eight years. It’s interesting to note that both entities Uranus and Chiron, which represent the nature of soul wounds and traumas, are simultaneously in well-emphasized masculine and feminine signs: Aries is Mars-ruled masculine and Taurus is Venus-ruled feminine. There will be many manifestations of this including more layers of wounding with regards to the male/female dynamic coming to the surface in various facets of life including of course relationships as well as opportunities for deeper spiritual understanding and expression of the Divine Masculine/Feminine.

            The moon’s nodes continue their transit in Cancer/Capricorn and transiting Saturn conjuncts the south node (Capricorn) throughout May, June, July and September. To me what comes up is the balance between emotions and inner security and the structures that exist in our personal lives and the outer world. What are the power dynamics and how can we restructure to meet our personal and collective needs? Capricorn and Cancer are both feminine signs so to me what immediately comes up is the disconnection and reappropriation of the feminine aspect in our existing systems. We’ve already seen these issues and the voicing of them with Pluto transiting Capricorn over the last few years but the extra Capricornian emphases this year unearths a different picture for us to face and the eclipses will jumpstart the process for us. 

  • Solar Eclipse 15°Capricorn – Jan 5
  • Lunar Eclipse 0°Leo – Jan 21
  • Solar Eclipse 10°Cancer – July 2
  • Lunar Eclipse 24°Capricorn – July 16
  • Solar Eclipse 4° Capricorn – Dec 26

As we traverse the routines and realities of our lives, Cancer reminds us to come back to the emotional body and check in with where we feel and don’t feel secure and comfortable. Reflections on where one feels insecure or a lack of nurturance can induce the appropriate adjustments. These reflections will also occur with regards to finances and physical resources as Uranus reenters Taurus, where through sudden events, financial realities may need to be adjusted or renewed. The idea behind it all is to follow your true inspirations so if you do not feel emotionally satisfied and happy with how you create your financial base, then it’s time to start the change-making process. Becoming proactive when the signs start showing themselves is better than delaying changes until a crises of some kind forces you to change. You may have to come up with creative, inventive ways to survive in the case of an impending financial disaster, which is sadly likely especially into the beginning of next year, Jan 2020, when the infamous Pluto/Saturn conjunction occurs. It is wise to start aligning the thinking with saving money or realigning resources this year. 

Thankfully, there are no Venus and Mars retrogrades, whose occurrences in 2018 led to arduous delays, strains and unmanifestations of all kinds. Things will subtly move forward in 2019 with the presence of Jupiter in Sagittarius, inviting us to live with a spirit of freedom and fearlessness. If you are interested in pursuing a career in teaching, increasing your learning about what ignites your interest or traveling more, this would be the year to pursue these activities. The one straining aspect is Jupiter’s square to Neptune with exact placements in January, June and September so if you pursue new directions, make sure to guard yourself against deception. Ask all the questions, do your research and follow your gut before you invest yourself. We will also likely see more religious and political zealotry, dysfunction and refugee crises worsening worldwide.

The big picture is that we are in a death/rebirth process and are reaching a climax. The important thing is to not remain stagnant and to not make huge leaps either. During down moments, staying in motion even at a very slow pace will prove to be beneficial. January 2019 began with Mars at 0°Aries, igniting a pioneering spirit and all Mercury retrogrades this year occur in water signs, again emphasizing the emotional body. There are definitely some intense and dangerous moments this year, but coming back to themes of spirituality, connection and the pursuit of philosophical truths will help immensely. 

Best to you!